Mary Reagan
Executive Director
Term 2018- 2021
Mary Reagan is the Coordinator, Summer Bridge and Placement at Jacksonville State University (JSU). Mary earned an M.S. from Jacksonville State University (JSU) in Psychology with an emphasis in Applied Behavior Analysis and is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst. Before her interest was sparked in Behavior Analysis, Mary practiced law and has a Juris Doctor from Regent University, as well as a B.S. in finance from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. While a graduate student at JSU, she worked in Learning Services and was introduced to Precision Teaching and the Standard Celeration Chart under the supervision of Courtney Peppers and Scott Beckett. Her main research focus was instructor and staff training where she developed an instructor training manual that encompasses Precision Teaching and Direct Instruction principles used in intermediate algebra course design and instruction. She assisted in the implementation of EdReady, OER adaptive learning platform as the JSU Math Placement Exam. Mary now also supervises graduate students seeking their BCBA certification. She served as VP of Programs for IPTC from 2017-2018 and is currently Co-President of the Standard Celeration Society. She has presented at the IPTC conference of the Standard Celeration Society, Association for Behavior Analysis International and NROC. She is a member of the Standard Celeration Society (SCS), Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI), Alabama Association for Behavior Analysis (ALABA), and Association for Professional Behavior Analysts (APBA).